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Colin Morrison awarded OBE

Colin Morrison, the former CEO/managing director of ACP Magazines, Emap Communications, ACP-NatMag, Future, RBI, and Axel Springer International, has been awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours List.

Colin Morrison awarded OBE

Colin was awarded the OBE “for charitable services to Vulnerable Young People”.

Colin is now a non-executive director, investor and consultant of private media companies in the UK and AsiaPacific, and also writes the Flashes & Flames long-form blog which was honoured last year in the Folio:100 in New York. He is also chair of the Department for Education’s new Boarding School Partnerships service and was – for 15 years – chair of the Royal National Children’s Foundation. The RNCF supports vulnerable young people at state and independent boarding schools throughout the UK.

Colin said: “Obviously I am thrilled but, like all such awards, it reflects a lot of hard work also by the many accomplished people I have worked so closely with in media companies and charities. In some ways, it helps embolden me for a year in which I will be taking on some new challenges with growing companies. These are testing times for traditional media but, for the best companies, there are as many opportunities as threats”.

Links / further reading: Flashes & Flames