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EPC publishes Global Media Trends Book

The European Publishers Council (EPC) has published its first ever Global Media Trends Book.

According to the European Publishers Council (EPC): This report is brimming with facts and figures on the state of play of the world’s digital media, with a view to providing those legislators and policy makers working on media regulation with a true and current picture of the sector.

Launching the report on the occasion of the one of the European Parliament’s “Creative Industries’ Lunch” hosted in Brussels by the European Parliament, the EPC, C8 Associates and The Parliament Magazine, Executive Director of the EPC Angela Mills Wade (pictured) said: “As leading representatives of Europe's media sector, we in the EPC are often asked by EU policy makers and legislators for facts and figures on our industry. In response, we have partnered with a renowned research organisation, WNMN, (World Newsmedia Network) that collects and analyses the most up-to-date and authoritative data available on the media sector worldwide. We are delighted to present to you in this book, media trends and analysis to help policy makers see a factual picture of our sector globally.”

The European Publishers Council Global Media Trends Book captures the trends in revenue and usage patterns for a variety of digital media, including consumption on tablets, mobile, social media, Internet and more, and then analyses and projects the future of these digital media segments.

Angela continued, “This report will be essential reading for those working on all the policy areas affecting our industry including eCommerce and internet connected devices, digital copyright, audiovisual services, the value of personal data in direct marketing and advertising to name but a few.”

A copy of the Executive Summary that includes the major policy and regulatory concerns of the EPC, is available to download.

The full report is available to buy at a price of €300.00. For more information: