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Guardian appoints chief data officer

Guardian appoints chief data officer

Guardian News & Media (GNM) has announced the appointment of Catherine Brien as chief data officer.


Just published: Paid Content Strategies Guide

Just published: Paid Content Strategies Guide

InPublishing has just published ‘The InPublishing Guide to Paid Content Strategies’, the first in a new series of top-level strategic guides looking at key areas of publishing strategy.


Guardian’s Amelia Gentleman wins Paul Foot award

Guardian’s Amelia Gentleman wins Paul Foot award

Guardian journalist Amelia Gentleman has won the Paul Foot award for investigative and campaigning for her reporting on the Windrush scandal.


New Sales Director for Times and Sunday Times

New Sales Director for Times and Sunday Times

ESI Media's Caroline Tredget has joined The Times and The Sunday Times as Sales Director.


The Sun Online continues to grow audience

The Sun Online continues to grow audience

New comScore figures for May 2018 have revealed that The Sun Online’s first number one spot in April was no aberration, say the publishers.


Launch: The Ozone Project

Launch: The Ozone Project

Guardian News & Media, News UK and The Telegraph yesterday unveiled The Ozone Project - a jointly-owned audience platform.


Global Media Hub partners with Eurotunnel

Global Media Hub partners with Eurotunnel

Global Media Hub has announced a new partnership with Eurotunnel Le Shuttle, providing a digital platform to their customers travelling between Folkestone and Calais.


The Guardian publishes “The List of Deaths”

The Guardian publishes “The List of Deaths”

Today, in recognition of World Refugee day and 25 years of the refugee crisis, The Guardian in collaboration with artist Banu Cennetoglu, Chisenhale Gallery and Liverpool Biennial is distributing The List from UNITED for Intercultural Action in its p


News UK launches NewsIQ UK

News UK launches NewsIQ UK

News UK is launching what they describe as a revolutionary new data platform that will enable advertisers to reach audiences based on their emotions and attitudes, driving emotional loyalty and potentially increasing advertising engagement by up to 4


Chief Executive of NewstrAid to retire in October

Chief Executive of NewstrAid to retire in October

Alex van Straubenzee has decided to retire from his position as Chief Executive Officer of the news and magazine industry charity, NewstrAid, with effect from the end of October 2018.


NUJ: Journalists must not get 2nd class treatment on FOI requests

NUJ: Journalists must not get 2nd class treatment on FOI requests

The NUJ has responded to the Scottish Information Commissioner's report which found that the Scottish government takes longer to respond to journalists' FOI requests than other requests.


NFRN applauds Sun on Sunday

NFRN applauds Sun on Sunday

News of a 10p cover price rise on the Sun on Sunday which is accompanied by a pro rata increase in retail margins has been warmly welcomed by the NFRN.


News Scotland launches Summer Sponsorship Programme

News Scotland launches Summer Sponsorship Programme

This week marks the start of a varied sponsorship season for News Scotland, publishers of The Times Scotland and The Sunday Times Scotland, with partnerships in literature, film and sport.


Camilla Tominey to join The Telegraph

Camilla Tominey to join The Telegraph

The Telegraph yesterday announced that Sunday Express political editor Camilla Tominey is to become Associate Editor, Politics and Royals.


World’s Press calls on Facebook to rethink new ad policy

World’s Press calls on Facebook to rethink new ad policy

WAN-IFRA with six media organisations have come together to express concern over Facebook’s new advertising policy that labels quality news as political advocacy and includes such content in its political ad archive.


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