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Supplier Profile – PA Media Engaging evolving audiences in a new era of entertainment journalism

Entertainment and Lifestyle, despite the obvious cross-over, are often treated separately. PA Media has brought them together under Kerri-Ann Roper, who explains the thinking behind this and other recent enhancements to PA Media’s offering.

News Frontiers launches the ANITI prize

Frontiers has announced the launch of the ANITI prize for the best article on AI for Neuroergonomics.


AI is transforming the publishing industry. This special feature contains thirteen articles, written by publishers and suppliers, about how publishers are using AI now and how they might use it in the future.

REVIEW AOP CRUNCH: AI-volution and the opportunities for digital publishers

The latest AOP CRUNCH event focused on the topic that’s front of mind for most publishers – AI. Richard Reeves, managing director at the AOP, picks out the main themes and talking points from the day.

May/June 2024 issue now available

The latest issue of InPublishing magazine has just been published.

Read the magazine >

Supplier Top Tips – Publishing Software Company 5 top tips for more efficient ad management