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ABC expands Associate Membership scheme

ABC has expanded its Associate Membership across print and digital suppliers.

The ABC says: “Our Associate Membership Scheme allows suppliers to achieve accreditation which confirms their capability to supply data or deliver processes in accordance with ABC or JICWEBS Reporting Standards to support our audit and certification services of either print or digital properties.

The new scheme now covers a variety of specialist areas across both print and digital including Digital Publishing Platforms and Bulk Distribution providers and aims to help raise standards for processes and data collection across the industry.

Media owners using an ABC Associate can have confidence that their supplier knows and understands the requirements of supplying data to industry-agreed standards. ABC Associate expertise will therefore facilitate faster and easier audits.

The scheme is available to any print or digital supplier or third party involved in supplying data to ABC on behalf of a media owner. Accreditation by ABC is specific to registered products and services and not to the company as a whole. All Associates will be publicised on the ABC website.”