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Johnston Press to launch virtual careers fair

Johnston Press will hold its first national Virtual Careers Fair through Jobstoday in September.

The event will provide people looking for work with the chance to chat online in real time with employers to find out more about their advertised vacancies.

The nationwide event follows the successful trial of a virtual careers fair in the Northeast last year. This one will target employers in the health care and customer service and sales sectors – two of the most popular sectors on Jobstoday.

Job applicants can register to take part from August 6 and employers will be encouraged to advertise all vacancies in the lead-up to the actual fair which will run for two weeks from September 17.

Employers will man chat lines during designated hours.

The fair is being heavily marketed through our own websites, newspapers and via e-mails to the 500,000 people on our Jobstoday database, says Johnston Press.

Joe Slavin, managing director classifieds, said: “This will be a fantastic opportunity not only for people seeking new job opportunities but also for business and recruiters to get their vacancies out there nationally to the 14 million people we reach.

“We are confident the fair will be a huge success and look forward to working with all involved.”