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MacFormat celebrates 250 with new look

MacFormat, the leading Apple magazine is celebrating its 250th issue with a new-look print magazine, and the launch of a brand new interactive HD iPad version for the App Store, both on sale 17th July.

The redesigned MacFormat magazine has been evolved and refined, to better reflect the modern Apple aesthetic, making iOS devices an integral part of the editorial mix. The redesign makes the magazine easier to read, with a more elegant, user-friendly layout, and there are brand new sections including ‘Improve’ for practical Mac advice; ‘AppleTalk’ for engaging with the Apple community and ‘Rated’, with reviews of the best apps and kit for Apple devices.

The accompanying HD iPad edition will also be available on the App Store from 17 July, and will deliver a truly interactive reading experience for the UK’s leading Apple magazine – with pages that come to life with swipe-through images, and video tutorials and reviews. The enhanced iPad edition features a review of the brand new MacBook Pro with Retina display, and for a limited period, costs only £1.49p (Usual issue price £2.99) to download.

Launched in 1993, MacFormat has been serving the Apple community for almost 20 years; with its popular mix of tutorials, practical advice and comment from Apple fans, MacFormat is the UK’s best-selling Apple magazine, say the publishers.

Graham Barlow, Editor-in-Chief of MacFormat, says: “Hitting 250 issues is a real milestone; when we launched the magazine no one even knew if Apple would still exist at this stage, let alone become the world technology leader that it is now. The redesign really reflects the changing scene of Apple, and it seems only right that we also launch our iPad edition to complement the print edition.

“Beyond videos, galleries of pictures and scrolling text, the interactive iPad edition will enable user to select what content they see based on the devices they're interested in. For example, if you'd like to see just what's available for iPad, without iPhone and Mac products visible, then you can, or vice-versa. There are also links in the app that go directly to the products being talked about on the App Store, so users can go straight from reading about a great app to enjoying it on your iPad in just a few seconds.

“We’re really excited about the possibilities that publishing on the iPad brings and we’re proud to be the first dedicated Apple magazine to really embrace the new platform with an interactive offering.” is also being redeveloped at the moment and will be deployed later this summer. The new-look website will reflect the new magazine design and provide more ways for the Apple community to interact.