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Menzies supports schools logistics initiative

Menzies Distribution is the subject of a new interactive e-zine designed to encourage teenagers to pursue a career in logistics.

The digital publication, Moveit!, has been sent to more than 16,000 schools, colleges and careers advisors, and uses film, graphics and a game to showcase the different types of jobs available. It also offers readers the chance to win an apprenticeship as well as iTunes vouchers.

Created by Menzies Digital Marketing on behalf of the National Skills Academy for Logistics, the first issue reveals how hundreds of thousands of newspapers and magazines are delivered across the UK every day by Menzies Distribution, and how colleagues from its sister company Menzies Aviation transported a live manta ray from South Africa to America.

Viv Lacey, Director of the National Skills Academy for Logistics, said: "Research by Skills for Logistics, which is the sector skills council for the UK’s freight logistics industries, suggests that young people don’t understand the term logistics, or they have negative preconceptions about what it involves.

“We need to tackle that issue and this e-zine has been designed to promote the varied career options available which all fall under the heading of logistics."

Sarah Clegg, Managing Director of Menzies Digital Marketing, said: “We're delighted to be working with the National Skills Academy on such an important project which will reach the vast majority of teenagers in the UK as they begin to think about career options.

“It is fair to say that the logistics industry has an aging work force so it’s really important we engage a younger audience and show them there is a very real opportunity for a rewarding career which is linked to their interests.”