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NFRN welcomes Northern and Shell decision

Northern and Shell is increasing the price of the Star on Sunday and passing on the full margin to retailers.

The NFRN says: “Following the recent abuse of NFRN members by News International, who have slashed the retail margin on the Sunday Times and bullied an independent retailer for adding a surcharge to his weekend Suns, the NFRN today welcomes the news that Northern and Shell is raising the price of the Star on Sunday and passing on the full margin to members.

From Sunday July 29, the cover price will increase from 60p to 70p with retailers receiving 15.47p per copy, up from 13.26p.

News of this welcome boost comes as the NFRN has joined forces with the Mail on Sunday for an exciting new initiative which sees members receive a £20 bonus for simply selling more copies of the newspaper. 

This will be followed with a further exclusive NFRN initiative which will give members an exclusive trading card for the launch of this season's ever popular Match Attax collection.

NFRN National President Alan Smith (pictured) said: "All these initiatives and actions demonstrate that most publishers and suppliers are fast realising the strategic importance of the independent retail sector and that the £6 billion opportunity we unveiled to them at our recent Suppliers Conference is there for the taking. I would urge all retailers to get behind those publishers who are clearly seen to be supporting us."