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Adestra shortlisted for top Customer Service award

The Institute of Customer Service has shortlisted Email Service Provider [ESP] Adestra in the Customer Focus Award – SME category in its UK Customer Satisfaction Awards.

Email marketing is similar to many service industries: more often than not providers focus on the technology, which is mostly homogenous among their competitors, whereas it’s the human service that makes the difference whether face to face, at the end of a phone, online, instant chat. It needs, says Adestra, a careful and intelligently planned mix of tech and people.

Henry Hyder-Smith (pictured), MD at Adestra, says: “We’re delighted to have successfully made it through to the finals in the SME category. We take great pains to highlight the customer service element in the email marketing we provide customers – it’s not all about the technology - and it’s great news that we are finally being recognised.”

Adestra has many long term customers using its MessageFocus service.

Richard Ayerst, Head of Digital Marketing at Dennis Publishing, says: “As a business we have lots of suppliers, and what you want from a supplier is least fuss with an easy working relationship – Adestra achieves this, the team produces results, plus nobody complains from my side. Job done.

“Many elements are so easy with Adestra, especially the MessageFocus Support team. The ‘Live chat’ is a godsend, I wouldn’t like to think how many times we’ve used it – if there’s a problem, we just use live chat, problem solved. With new product dev features, Adestra came and told us, which makes it feel like a partnership.”

Sophie Burdajewicz, Head of Marketing-Media Solutions at Informa Telecoms, adds: “I’m very happy with the service and support we receive; we have a good working relationship. They provide a fast turnaround and the MessageFocus portal is intuitive and easy to use. Basically it meets my needs and we never need to look elsewhere. They are good at advising and their knowledgeable team has helped improve best practice and templates. We also have face-to-face brainstorming sessions once a year which helps get new ideas on a range of topics.”

The UK Customer Satisfaction Awards ceremony will take place at Lancaster London on the evening of 26 February 2013.

Earlier this year Adestra launched the Adestra Customer Charter, claiming to be the first ESP in the UK to do so. Not only does this demonstrate the company’s focus to be the most customer-centred ESP, says Adestra, but the clear and open Customer Charter details the standards of service it aims to provide clients and shows the best channels for communication with the management and support teams.

About Adestra

Adestra says: “Founded in 2004, Adestra set out to be the most respected Email Service Provider. Today, Adestra is a market leader, with offices in Oxford, London and New York. Over 300 organisations globally and more than 4,500 marketers across most sectors, work with our technology, people and deliverability solutions to generate effective email marketing that deliver results.

Our Technology: Developed entirely in-house by our staff, Adestra’s MessageFocus gives clients an extremely scalable and configurable email service platform that consistently delivers.

Our People: We seek to provide the highest possible levels of technical customer support and intelligent, innovative consultation. Our approach to client service has helped us to maintain our client retention rate at 98.7%, something we are very proud of.

Our Deliverability: Adestra offer a very honest approach to deliverability, quite simply there is no silver bullet. Our inbox placement rate, which peaks at 99.8% and our expertise, gives your emails the best chance of arriving in the destination inbox.”