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All Star selects Atex Web CMS

Seattle-based education marketing and business intelligence firm All Star has chosen Atex Web Content Management Solution as its new CMS.

All Star Directories is a strategic marketing partner for educational institutions and a premier publisher of information and tools that enable informed career and educational decisions. The company is launching a series of initiatives to create more engaging, content-rich web experiences. It will be implementing new site designs, creating new interaction and exploration models and introducing new content formats and strategies.

All Star is currently utilizing a homegrown system which will not meet its needs moving forward. The company is looking forward to a September go-live with Atex and is confident that the solution will help it achieve its vision for the future. Eventually the solution will be rolled out across all of its sites, including and

Marston Gould, All Star's Vice President of Marketing, stated, “This is an exciting step forward for All Star. We're looking forward to launching engaging new interactive features for the benefit of the students who visit our sites”.

Chris Eaton, Director of Sales, Atex NA, commented, “We are pleased All Star has selected Atex Web CMS to manage its online presence and new branding initiatives. The solution’s flexibility, scalability and reliability will allow All Star to easily manage its content, promote its products and engage its audience”.

About Atex

Atex says: “Atex, headquartered in the UK with offices worldwide, is a leading software company providing solutions for media-rich industries. Atex develops smart digital solutions that make a measurable difference and enable its 1000+ customers to streamline operations and optimize their digital strategy. As a global organisation, it is committed to helping companies build revenues and reduce costs through products that are increasingly personalized, localized, collaborative, contextually relevant, and available on demand.”