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Archant bids for Norwich TV license

Mustard, a joint venture between community media publisher Archant together with other Norwich based partners, has been named by Ofcom as one of two applications to run a new local TV channel based in Norwich.

Archant says: As part of one of the UK’s largest independently owned regional media groups, with its group head office in Norwich, Mustard is uniquely positioned to sustain a local commercial television service for the city and the surrounding communities.

It will draw on its long-established media resources, especially in the delivery of high-quality journalism across a range of media channels, commercial sales, sponsorship and back office support. 

Mustard Chairman, Johnny Hustler, said: “Archant has been providing news and information to the people of Norwich and Norfolk for the past 150 years. Mustard is another channel through which we can continue to provide this valuable service along with our partners. The station will highlight a wide range of local issues, stimulating well-informed debate and motivating local people to engage with them.

“Partnerships established with academic institutions, local businesses and production companies will ensure that Mustard is an authentic local service made by and for the people of Norwich.  Mustard will support the development of local creative talent, in particular people involved in the media and film industry in the Norwich area and especially those at the start of their careers.”

Mustard Digital, the online web TV platform will launch in January 2013, and be joined by the freeview service later in the year if Mustard’s bid is successful.

The name Mustard has had a long association with Norwich, with production of Colman’s mustard continuing in the city for nearly 200 years. Jeremiah Colman was one of the founders of Archant.

Ofcom advertised licences in 21 areas and has received a total of 57 applications to run local services. All licences will be awarded by beauty contest under the criteria set out in statute. This follows new powers and duties given to Ofcom by Parliament to license new local TV services. Ofcom expects to make decisions on successful applicants from this autumn.