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First issue of merged environmental title

Two environmental magazines, Resurgence and The Ecologist, recently merged and the upcoming September / October issue will be their first issue together.

According to distributors COMAG Specialist: “Launched in 1966, Resurgence is one of the longest-running environmental magazines in Britain. Promoting ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values, every issue of this influential title aims to show how the human spirit can transform the world.

Founded in 1970 by Edward Goldsmith, The Ecologist published its last print edition in 2009 and has been an online-only entity since. Taking on the role of Editor in the same year, Zac Goldsmith had to take a step back from editorial involvement when he became an MP.

Announced in June, Zac Goldsmith sold The Ecologist to The Resurgence Trust to ensure the future of the magazine as he concentrates on his political career. Saying, “The Ecologist has been at the heart of the environmental movement for over 40 years and Resurgence has been in publication for the past 45 years”, Goldsmith added, “as sister publications, they have always shared the same values.”

While the editor-in-chief of Resurgence, Satish Kumar, said The Resurgence Trust was “delighted to announce this merger which represents two strong environmental organisations joining forces.”

The first issue since the merger, the September/October issue of renamed Resurgence & Ecologist will have eight to ten pages dedicated to The Ecologist, but Kumar says the “flavour” of the magazine “will go right through the magazine.”

With regular features about environmental campaigns, sustainability and living a spiritually rewarding life in a capitalist world, the September/October issue of Resurgence & Ecologist will also have the usual news about grassroots projects from around the world, advice on green living, as well as reviewing the latest artistic and cultural releases.”