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Guardian launches new University Awards

The Guardian has launched new awards designed to recognise and celebrate all that's best about Britain's universities, from quality of teaching to the impact of research, student experience to contribution to local communities.

The Guardian University Awards invite nominations from UK higher education institutions, university departments, professionals working in the sector, students and graduates.

Wendy Berliner, head of education for Guardian Professional and chair of the judging panel, said: "At the Guardian we are committed to covering education through regular expert coverage in print and online and with the Guardian Higher Education Network we reach thousands people working in the sector each month.

"So we are delighted to introduce the Guardian University Awards which will recognise and celebrate the very best in universities whether it is in research, teaching excellence or facilities and everything else in between - all the things that make UK universities uniquely great.

"I'm looking forward to seeing some outstanding and innovative entries from all kinds of universities throughout the sector."

Alex Thompson, director of policy at the Russell Group and awards judge, said: "In the UK we have a very successful university sector of which we can all rightly be proud - all the different universities in the UK have a hugely important role to play.

"It's right that these awards cover the range of work that all universities do. No university can be measured on one single thing but their achievements in different areas should be recognised.

"I look forward to seeing an impressive range of entries from all universities and I've no doubt we will have a tough job ahead of us to pick just one winner in each category."

The categories for the Guardian University Awards are:

Student experience (sponsored by The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)

Awarded to a university that can demonstrate a project which has made outstanding commitment to ensuring the best possible overall experience for students.

Teaching excellence (sponsored by the Higher Education Academy)

For a university that is dedicated to high quality teaching across the board, including innovation in teaching and learning methods and introduction of technology in teaching.

Employability initiative

Rewarding an innovative employability initiative that provide graduates with the best chances in the world of employment and thinking differently about careers advice.

Contribution to local community

To recognise a successful project that has made an outstanding impact and positive contribution to the local community.

Outstanding research impact

An award for an exceptional piece of research or department that makes research accessible to the public and undergraduates and creates a significant positive impact.

University facilities

Recognises excellence across entire university facilities, taking into consideration accommodation, ICT facilities, libraries, catering and study spaces.

Commitment to widening participation

An award for an outreach project that has taken significant steps towards addressing the differences in take-up of higher education opportunities across different social groups.

Sustainability project

To recognise an imaginative sustainability project, planned and executed in an effective, efficient and innovative manner.

International strategy

For a UK university with the most innovative international strategy abroad and the contribution international activities make to the achievement of the university's academic mission.

Guardian Higher Education Network inspiring leader

This award is intended to highlight examples of inspirational leadership, vision, and new approaches to working and engagement.

Overall winner

Chosen by the judging panel the overall winner celebrates the best of the category winners deemed by the judges to be the strongest of the entries.

The deadline for entries is Monday 5 November and each stage of the process will be featured on the awards microsite. Candidates for the Higher Education Inspiring Leader will be nominated by the awards judging panel and the shortlist for this category will be posted online and voted for by members of the network.

The winners will be announced at a ceremony in February 2013 in London. The awards will culminate with a best practice exchange on the Guardian Higher Education Network which will profile the winning and shortlisted projects. It will enable others to learn from outstanding work and to discuss it online.