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IFABC launches new website

The International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulation (IFABC) has launched its new look website,

The newest feature of the redesigned website will be audited National Newspaper headline circulation data from 34 different countries, collated from IFABC member bureaux. This is the first time that audited global circulation data will be available in one database, enabling users from any country to view and compare circulation data from around the world. The historic data, which is currently available from 2008 onwards, will be updated on an annual basis. This is the first stage of a plan that will add local newspapers’ and magazines’ circulation data over the next year.

The re-launch of the website signals a new era for IFABC as it works towards supporting its member agencies develop industry-wide metrics for print and the rapidly growing digital channels. As well as functioning as a data source, the website acts as  a central point for users from around the world to get information and news on global digital metrics and encourage the exchange of experience and best practice between member organisations.

Jerry Wright (pictured), President of IFABC said, “There was a clear industry need for an accessible and transparent data source, providing accurate and comparable audited data on a worldwide scale. The newly launched IFABC site will help to promote the necessary transfer of knowledge and experience across the media world and showcase the growing number of global digital metrics IFABC members can report.”


The IFABC says: “The International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulation (IFABC) is a voluntary cooperative federation of industry-sponsored organisations established in nations throughout the world to verify and report facts about the circulations of publications and related data.

The IFABC was founded in 1963 in Stockholm, Sweden and has 36 bureaux covering 40 countries around the world. The IFABC Executive Board consists of nine members from various ABCs around the world. There is also a global Web Standards Group, founded in 1997, which is headed up by Richard Foan from ABC UK and more recently a Digital Publications Committee, which has been chaired by Glenn Hansen from BPA Worldwide.

Jerry Wright, Chief Executive of ABC UK, was elected the global president of IFABC in October 2010.”