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Jane Druker appointed Editor of Top Sante

Bauer Media has announced the appointment of Jane Druker as Editor of Top Santé magazine.

An experienced editor with impressive credentials in the health and beauty market, Jane (pictured) joins Bauer from River Publishing where she has been editing Holland & Barrett’s Healthy Magazine since 2009. Prior to that Jane edited Boots Health & Beauty Magazine. She has previously worked as Deputy Editor of InStyle, Fashion Features Editor of YOU Magazine and has written for titles including Grazia, Red, Easy Living and The Guardian G2.

Top Santé is Bauer’s holistic, accessible and friendly monthly magazine aimed at 30-40something women with a keen interest in health, beauty and wellbeing. It offers specialist expertise in content compared to other lifestyle monthly titles, says Bauer.

Commenting on the appointment, Publisher David Bostock said: “I’m delighted to welcome Jane to Bauer, her talent, editorial knowhow, vision and expertise make her the perfect editor to lead Top Santé through its next exciting stage of development.”

Jane Druker added: “I am thrilled to have this unique opportunity to edit a title I genuinely feel passionately about. Top Santé is an empowering, joyful and meaningful magazine and, as an editor, it doesn’t get better than that! "

Jane will join Bauer in March 2013 reporting to Publisher David Bostock.