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Kevin Dewey is new Master of Stationers’ Company

Kevin Dewey, former managing director of Hedsorboard, has taken on the mantle of Master of the Stationers’ Company and says he is committed to helping the Livery Company to extend its position in packaging and new media.

“There is nowhere else you can meet suppliers (machinery and consumables manufacturers), customers and competitors under one roof. In one evening at Stationers’ Hall you can cover the whole waterfront and find out exactly what is happening in the industry,” he says. “Some of our traditional industries are declining so we have to look at new media, to broaden our appeal to the wider communications industry.”

The upsurge in online ordering has created an increase in corrugated packaging and Mr Dewey (pictured, by James Burton) says he would like to see more packaging companies, all parts of this broad business area, and individuals joining the Livery. Already Powerflute and RPC Group are corporate members and at the end of last year packaging titan and founder of Tetra-Pak Professor Hans Rausing KBE was made an Honorary Freeman and Liveryman of the Company.

Mr Dewey succeeds Nigel Stapleton as Master and at his inaugural ceremony last week Mr Dewey described the transfer as a move from a “Premier Cru to a more spicy, zesty Cloudy Bay”. Certainly Mr Dewey will be a Master who has strong opinions and speaks his mind, attributes which have secured him a number of non-executive directorships since he left Hedsorboard.

“The Stationers’ Company is not an organisation for revolution but evolution and we are adapting and changing. A committee has been working on a new strategy document. This has still to be approved but among the ideas we are promoting are: a commitment to being even more relevant to the industries we represent; greater and more creative ways of generating income to maintain our beautiful Hall and Archive and to make it more suitable for use in the 21st century; to do more to support our charities; and, most importantly, to provide a forum for all the industries in content and communications to meet, network and learn about matters of common interest in a convivial setting. We are special as a Livery Company in that we continue to have a focus on the industries we serve; we are not just a dining club,” he says.

About The Stationers’ Company

The Stationers' Company says: “The Stationers' Company is the City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content industries. The Company’s mission is to be recognised as the most effective independent forum in the UK Communications and Content industries, actively contributing to the strategic development, success and education of these industries. The majority of our members work in or supply the paper, print, publishing, packaging, office products, newspaper, broadcasting and online media industries.”