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Local World reorganises support functions

Local World has announced to employees the results of a business review which will lead to changes in its finance and pre-press support functions.

According to Local World: This business review was set out in the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) consultations which Local World began on announcement of the deal to acquire Northcliffe Media and Iliffe News & Media.

In order to give Local World the best possible structure to achieve its goal of re-invigorating the UK regional media sector the business review identified areas of overlap between the support functions of the two acquired businesses and areas with changed requirements.

As a consequence of this review finance functions will be transferred from Cambridge and Burton to Leicester, and some pre-press activities will be outsourced from Cambridge to a facility in India already used by the Group and others merged with activities in Nottingham.

Where opportunities exist for affected employees to transfer to new locations these will be made available and discussed with employees who are now in a formal consultation period.

Local World Group CEO Steve Auckland (pictured) said: “This has not been an easy decision. I said when we announced the creation of Local World that we want to create a positive, engaging and pleasant place to work. That intention stands and these changes are an inevitable part of bringing together two businesses, not any reflection on strategy or performance.”