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Menzies Distribution earn best practice mark

Menzies Distribution’s Customer Service Centres have been awarded an industry mark of best practice after an independent assessment praised its procedures and staff morale.

During a tough six-day inspection, assessors from the British Standards Institution spent three days examining processes and three days interviewing staff, and reported that the Sheffield and Linwood facilities had been transformed into professional Customer Service Centres over the past two years.

Changes praised in the report included the introduction of a more comprehensive induction process, quality monitoring, coaching sessions, team meetings and an extensive training programme – all of which have contributed to a very low staff turnover rate.

In summary the assessor said: “It is clear that the management team at Menzies engender a very positive approach. The common theme from all of the staff in both centres was it is a great place to work. Creating a positive environment is not easy but the end result is worth it. Well done.”

Other strengths highlighted in the report included ‘committed and focused team managers’, ‘good mirroring of processes and systems between both centres’ and that ‘all staff spoken to during the course of the assessment were extremely positive about the working environment and the support they receive from their management team’.

Head of Customer Service Linda Gardner said: “I’m so proud of the team. They have put so much work in, and not just for the assessment - this is the culmination of two-and-a-half years’ work. Only a few hundred centres have passed the assessment and I think for us it’s another way to herald the changes.”

She added: “It was a nerve-wracking process with assessors spending a day looking at evidence, our processes and talking to management, and then another day interviewing staff and listening to customer calls. I am absolutely delighted with the result.

“With this accreditation we can show we work within best practice guidelines and that we have a real focus on the customer and on our people.”

The assessor’s report was submitted to the Customer Contact Association (CCA) for Menzies Distribution to receive its CCA Global Standard of best practice. The CCA is responsible for agreeing customer service standards with various government bodies across Europe to ensure consistency and best practice.