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Metro boasts strong Christmas performance

Metro has announced a rise in traffic to via mobile devices during the Christmas period.

Metro says: 61% of UK unique visitors to on Christmas day came from mobile devices, with Metro’s urbanite audience taking the opportunity to sit back and indulge in a few extra mince pies as well as Metro’s latest news, audio/video content, gameplay and more.

With tablets and smartphones amongst the biggest sellers this Christmas and urbanites being keen early adopters of new technologies, these factors went hand in hand to deliver more than 50,000 Metro app downloads during Christmas week.

Metro’s first ever digital Christmas editions for tablets and smartphones further attracted high engagement levels with 211,000 people reading at least one of Metro’s Christmas and New Year Tablet or Phone Editions.

Direct mobile traffic in December was up 11% with page views up 47% compared to the same time last year, showcasing the positive impact of Metro’s recently re-launched, fully mobile responsive site which provides more opportunities for a richer consumer experience via mobile and smartphone devices.

Linda Grant (pictured), Managing Director at Metro said: “Our strategy is to deliver urbanites more Metro, more often; extending beyond the morning commute. We knew from Christmas last year that there was latent demand for Metro digital editions over the festive period, so we’re delighted to see this success.”