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New look for Campaign

Haymarket Business Media’s advertising industry title, Campaign, is relaunching on 1 February, with a new format in print and an enhanced digital app.

The weekly magazine, which turns 45 years old this year, will be printed in a slightly smaller format, while still retaining the classic look-and-feel for which it has become famous, says Haymarket. The size will remain larger than A4.

Bearing in mind the long-term trend towards providing news and views via the web, the print product will focus on analysis and on showcasing the industry’s people and creative output. Design-wise, there will be fewer news stories and the headline fonts will change.

Campaign editor, Danny Rogers, said: ‘These are exhilarating times for Campaign and the team. It is now clear that Campaign is a multi-channel brand and we must adapt our formats and team accordingly. We are a digital-first operation. And we are adapting our output for the ways in which our audiences now wish to consume news, analysis and other types of longer-form content.’

Coinciding with the launch of its new print format, Campaign will enhance its weekly digital edition on Apple Newsstand, with further improvements to the design and functionality. It is a paid-for app, which can be integrated into a wider Campaign subscription package.

The brand’s website will also be redesigned in line with the changes.