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New video tells the story behind the Express & Star

The Express & Star has launched a new video to promote its positive impact on local life.

Thirty five staff and local community figures appear in the film, which highlights the heritage and influence of Britain’s biggest selling regional newspaper.

The size and scale of the Express & Star operation is covered by the video, along with its move into new technology including iPad and iPhone page turning apps.

Employees ranging from van drivers to senior management appear as talking heads, stating facts and figures about the business.

The video, which is just over three minutes long, covers the paper’s work in campaigning on the region’s most important issues, its awards events for community success stories and its commitment to providing same day news across local editions.

It also promotes the audience reach which the title brings to 5,000 advertisers every month in print and online.

Those taking part include Phil Inman, managing director of Express & Star publisher Midland News Association, who says: “We bring real news to real people in real time. We have a business to be proud of and a future to really believe in.”

The video has been published on and YouTube as part of a drive to promote the newspaper and its work in the region.

It covers the role the newspaper played during last August’s riots, when it provided in-depth coverage of the Midlands unrest and the police search for riot suspects.

Speaking on the video, executive editor Mark Drew says: “Our coverage helped people stay in touch with events and even helped secure convictions.”

Supt Mark Payne, of Wolverhampton police, also appears in the video. He says: “In the aftermath of the riots, Wolverhampton really saw the Express & Star in its best light.”

Dudley North MP Ian Austin is also among the interviewees. He says: “I think the Express & Star plays a really important role in the Black Country.”

The video, scripted and edited by the MNA’s brand and communications partner Wyatt International, was filmed by MNA video journalist Nicky Butler.

MNA brand and communications manager Chris Leggett said: “The Express & Star remains a force for good in local life. The new video shows how we are changing as the world is changing, while remaining true to our values and heritage.”

MNA has also released a video for sister title, the Shropshire Star.