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news:rewired - first speakers announced have just announced the first speaker and session details for the next news:rewired event, which takes place on Thursday 6 December. says: news:rewired will bring together key digital journalism experts and innovators for a day of sessions, workshops, debates and discussion, geared towards equipping you with knowledge of the latest techniques and tools for producing top-notch digital journalism, as well as offering insight into some of the innovative projects evolving within today's newsrooms - and outside of them.

Here are just some of the session and workshop topics that will be covered at the one-day conference:

• a look at the key digital lessons learned by news outlets in 2012

• the opportunities for long-form, in-depth journalism on digital platforms

• collecting social conversations on networked platforms

• ideas on how to measure success and make money in the coming year

• tips for effective audio storytelling

• reporting in real-time and best practice in liveblogging

• top tips for Twitter reporting strategy

Sessions will range from panels offering presentations and discussion around certain topics, and more workshop-style sessions, offering demonstrations and practical guides to digital tools.

Speakers already confirmed include Bobbie Johnson, co-founder of Matter and European editor of GigaOm; Alex Miller, executive editor of VICE UK; Nate Lanxon, editor of, and a representative of Google+, speaker to be confirmed.

We will be announcing more session and speaker details very soon; keep an eye on for regular updates.

At December's event we want to make sure delegates get to hear about as many of the tools and platforms which have launched in the past year as possible, and offer the chance to meet those behind the technology.

So this time we're looking to include a 'lightning round' of 90-second thought provokers. Let us know if you'd like to suggest anyone to take part in this (feel free to nominate yourself) and we will select around six projects to hear about on the day. We are particularly keen in making sure this gives young innovators in the journalism industry a chance to showcase their work.

The event is taking place on Thursday 6 December at MSN UK, Cardinal Place, Victoria, London.

There are two ticketing options for news:rewired this time round.

news:rewired: Delegates can purchase a ticket for the one-day conference at the earlybird discount rate of £95 (+VAT) for a limited time. Lunch and refreshments will also be provided at the day-long event, as well as networking drinks afterwards.

news:rewired PLUS: With this new option delegates can instead purchase one of our news:rewired PLUS tickets, which includes both a day's intensive training on the Wednesday (5 December) and the day-long conference on the Thursday (6 December).

With the PLUS ticket delegates can choose one of the three options below for the day of intensive training:

• Introduction to data journalism, run by Paul Bradshaw

• Online media law, run by David Banks

• Advanced online research skills, run by Colin Meek

news:rewired PLUS tickets are also available at an earlybird discount rate of £280 (+VAT).

There will only be 50 tickets (including news:rewired and news:rewired PLUS tickets) available at the discounted rate.

We've already sold a third of these and the discount will only apply until 31 August. After this date or once all the tickets have been sold, whichever comes first, the news:rewired ticket price will rise to £130 (+VAT) and the news:rewired PLUS ticket price will rise to £310 (+VAT).

You can buy either of these tickets here. If you select a news:rewired PLUS ticket we will contact you to confirm which training course you would like to attend on the Wednesday and provide further details. Space on these training courses will be limited and running of them will be subject to demand.