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Nigel Morris joins board of GMG

Guardian Media Group (GMG) has appointed Nigel Morris as a non-executive director.

Nigel is chief executive of Aegis Media Americas and Aegis Media EMEA.

As chief executive of Aegis Media Americas he led the team that recently secured an advertising account with the world’s third largest advertiser, General Motors. In 2003 he became the first chief executive of Isobar, Aegis Media’s digital agency network that has grown to be the largest operation of its type in the world.

Amelia Fawcett, chair of GMG, said: “Nigel’s credentials as an innovator within the advertising industry, his extensive experience of building business in the digital space and his clarity of understanding of both brand and client are a perfect fit with GMG.”

Nigel Morris, CEO of Aegis Media Americas & EMEA, said: “With their powerful brands and exceptional track record in innovation, over the last decade GMG have truly led the market through the change brought about by digital. As an avid fan of GMG’s journalism, it is a great privilege to be joining the GMG Board and I am excited to have the opportunity to use my experience of digital, advertising and global media markets to work with the team as the digital journey continues and GMG evolves further.”

His appointment to the GMG Board is with immediate effect.

The board of Guardian Media Group comprises: Amelia Fawcett CBE (chair); Andrew Miller (CEO); Alan Rusbridger (editor-in-chief, Guardian News & Media); Nick Backhouse (non-executive director); Neil Berkett (non-executive director); Judy Gibbons (non-executive director); Brent Hoberman (non-executive director); Nigel Morris (non-executive director); Darren Singer (chief financial officer); Philip Tranter (company secretary).

Guardian Media Group is wholly owned by The Scott Trust Ltd, which exists to secure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian in perpetuity.