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Post brings app experience to insurance market

Post – a leading information brand for the UK insurance industry – has added an App edition to its product range.

Incisive Media’s oldest brand has come a long way since it was first delivered to insurance professionals by Penny Post in 1840.

Last week marked the latest evolution in Post’s 172 year history with the launch of its iPad edition in the Apple Newsstand. The last three editions of the weekly print edition are on Newsstand and new editions will be added every Thursday.

The Post app offers readers a tailor made experience for the digital environment, retaining all the familiar sections from the print edition, plus additional content that is completely exclusive to the app, such as an international section. Other features include the opportunity for real-time interaction with Post’s team of journalists; embedded information hotspots to add further depth and context to stories; and the ability for readers to search and bookmark content within issues to find or return to content of interest at a later date.

"As our readers move to a multi-screen life, our content and delivery needs to evolve with them,” says Mark Burton, group publishing director. "We have created an elegant tablet edition that captures the reading experience our readers enjoy so much in print whilst leveraging the full tablet magazine experience. We are now really offering variety and value across screen sizes and devices.”

"When I joined the insurance division in 1998, Post Magazine did not have a website, and we were still using phone, the fax and post rather than emails to communicate with readers,” adds Jonathan Swift, editor-in-chief, Incisive Media insurance division.

"The title has moved on leaps and bounds since then and I would like to thank the team behind the launch - in particular Post editor Lynn Rouse and group production editor Dan Parker - for the time and effort they have invested in making sure the next chapter in Post’s history is such a success.”

The app is free to download to all Post subscribers and non-subscribers can view each weekly tablet edition free until the 13 September issue. After this date the tablet edition will remain free to all Post premium and online subscribers as part of their current package. Print only subscribers and non-Post subscribers will then have the option to upgrade their subscription to include the weekly tablet edition.