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Printing Charity announces two major initiatives

The Printing Charity, a national UK charity for people in printing, publishing, graphic arts and the allied trades, has announced it is launching two major initiatives in its drive to increase the number of people it helps.

The announcement was made at the charity’s industry event to promote its work, which was hosted by Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-Fylde at the House of Lords on 19 July.

The charity is investing £1m of its funds in the first initiative to be launched progressively during 2012 and 2013. The intention is to work with social enterprise partners in a variety of ways, including grants to organisations and charities that are making a difference to people’s lives.

In response to the difficult time the printing industry is going through, the second initiative will support people who have been made redundant from the sectors the charity exists to help. Discussions are underway with potential partner organisations to put together a package of assistance from the charity’s own grant funding and from third parties.  

Stephen Gilbert (pictured), Chief Executive of The Printing Charity, said: “These two initiatives have a common purpose - to help individuals and their families, to help people of all ages and to help more people throughout the UK.”

Murdoch MacLennan, the charity’s President, who also spoke at the event, asked everyone present to spread the word about the charity. “These are difficult times for our industry in all its different forms. And – in the teeth of a bitter and prolonged recession – it’s a tough time for many families, too. We need to make sure that the work of the charity is made known across the industry.”

About The Printing Charity

The Printing Charity says: “The Printing Charity is a national charity providing financial support for people who work or have worked for a minimum of five years in printing, publishing, the graphic arts or allied trades, as well as their dependent family members.”