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Reed Elsevier selects Air Business as preferred supplier

International publisher Reed Elsevier has selected Air Business to be their preferred supplier for another three years with a contract worth £21m. This includes servicing Reed Business Information, Lexis Nexis and Elsevier.

Air Business, the global distribution, fulfilment and integrated subscriptions management bureau, says it won the tender to be Reed Elsevier’s preferred service provider based on the quality of their existing service, attention to detail and a very hands on proactive service. As well as the Elsevier publications (including The Lancet), Air Business, incorporating Quadrant Subscriptions Services, will continue to service Reed Business Information and Lexis Nexis.

After a thorough selection process Reed Elsevier awarded the contract to Air Business for the second consecutive time. Over the next three years, Air Business will continue to handle the group’s considerable UK and International distribution requirements whilst building on the reliability of delivery that Reed Elsevier have come to expect for their network of worldwide professional subscribers.

Handling around 1,500 titles for the publishing giant across the various companies, Air Business provide transparent reporting services, strong and pro-active IT expertise to process a wide array of subscriber data, and solid and reliable delivery routings. This level of customer service is a key factor in Reed Elsevier’s choice of distributor and ensures their publications are delivered on time.

Adam Sherman, group managing director for Air Business, believes; “our open door policy offers accessibility and transparency enabling all of our customers to gain the level of confidence and trust they require.” This policy allowed a great distribution partnership to develop and a relationship Reed Elsevier want to reinvest in, says the company.

Adam confirms: “both large and small publishers know we will adapt to their needs and this contract is testament to our quality of service and the effort we put into meeting individual customer requirements.”

David Moyes, Global Procurement Manager for Reed Elsevier added: “We are very pleased to continue our excellent working relationship with Air Business for another three years. Over the last two years Air Business has provided the high quality service and flexibility which we expect from a distribution partner. The team at Air Business provide a service which is both value for money and value added. The relationship has many benefits to the whole Reed Elsevier Group.”

About Air Business Group

Air Business says: “Air Business Group is the UK’s leading global distribution, fulfilment and integrated subscriptions management bureau. Established in 1986, Air Business has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of An Post, the Irish Post Office, since 2002. We now have over 400 people throughout the company, at four strategic locations to the north, south, east and west of London.

Quadrant Subscription Services, part of the Air Business Group, is a leading international publishing services bureau.

As strategic partner of the Professional Publishers’ Association (PPA) for the third consecutive year, we are committed to being more than just a supplier. We are a visible and active supporter of the industries we serve.”