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Reveal’s new website notches up 1 million visits

Reveal, the celebrity weekly magazine published by Hearst Magazines UK, has announced that its newly launched website,, has notched up more than a million visits in less than seven months since launch, demonstrating, says Hearst, a continued appetite for celebrity gossip.

According to Hearst Magazines UK: The popular website, which gives inside news and gossip on the issues important to every 20 something women, delivered nearly 300,000 unique users in December 2012, and continues to grow on average 106% month by month since launch - with January 2013 exceeding 400,000 unique users. This represents a staggering 1460% increase in traffic since the site launched in July.

The Reveal brand already exists as a magazine, fashion retail app and tablet edition and offers a vast range of creative advertising propositions to access its audience across all its platforms.

Reveal’s tablet edition has also proven popular with more than 300,000 downloads since launching on iTunes in October 2011. The Reveal UK magazine app regularly tops the iPhone grossing chart, and it is the first celeb magazine to offer users an enhanced experience for iPhone and iPad. Its digital edition has now been rolled out for Kindle Fire and Nook with a Google Play launch imminent.

The brand also continues to innovate by offering its readers enhanced content on different platforms. In the past two weeks, the apple newsstand version of Reveal has revealed a live kiss between former Towie playboy Mark Wright and his new girlfriend Michelle Keegan on the front cover followed by up with a live shoot of a proposal for Valentine’s Day complete with diamond ring and bended knee.

Reveal Editor, Jane Ennis says: “Through Twitter, Facebook, web, mobile, tablet and magazine we know our readers love talking with us about all the news and information they need to help them navigate their way in the world, this underlines our “Talking with you, Not at you” message on the front cover of the magazine every week.”

Group Publishing Director, Michael Rowley, Hearst Weeklies says: “The success of the Reveal website proves there is a huge appetite for innovative online news and gossip sites that provide a unique mixture of celebrity exclusives, behind the scenes videos, the very latest gossip, groundbreaking fashion and first person confessionals. The Reveal brand is now experienced by hundreds of thousands more young women than a year ago, ensuring it remains relevant to its readers and advertisers alike.”