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Telegraph supports Women of Tomorrow Awards

Telegraph Media Group, (TMG), has announced that The Telegraph’s Wonder Women channel will be the newspaper media partner for the IPA and Campaign Women of Tomorrow Awards.

The Awards, which will be held in the same week as International Women’s Day, are looking to find ten ‘Women of Tomorrow’ in the advertising field - female leaders of the future, across a wide range of sectors in the industry including creative services, client services, HR, brand management and sales.

Since its launch in October 2012, The Telegraph’s Wonder Women site has grown from strength to strength, featuring daily business coverage which centres around inspirational female talent – reflecting the ethos of the Awards themselves, says the Telegraph.

The site boasts a team of high profile female writers including Channel 4 News presenter Cathy Newman who is the website’s politics writer, Business expert Sophie Cornish, comedian Katy Brand who writes about culture and Dr Brooke Magnanti, formerly known as Belle de Jour, who is the site’s sex writer. Every Monday the site also features a ‘Biz Idol’ column focusing on a prominent female businesswoman.

Emma Barnett, Women’s Editor, TMG, said: “We are delighted to support the IPA Women of Tomorrow Awards. Wonder Women’s content highlights the brilliant work women are doing in their respective, professional fields – while also tackling the challenges women face in the work place. These awards are specifically geared towards highlighting the great work by women in the middle echelons of management – an area which so often fails to be recognised or nurtured – often leading to lack of women at the executive level. It’s a great initiative which speaks to Telegraph Wonder Women’s values. We wish all of those shortlisted the best of luck.”

Says Nicola Mendelsohn, IPA President, “This competition is the first of its kind for the advertising industry, and by celebrating our next generation of female leaders we hope other industries will follow suit. We are very excited to have the Telegraph’s Wonder Women Channel on board; their onus on inspirational female talent makes them a natural partner in helping us champion the women of tomorrow. We see this as a not-to-missed opportunity for all those women out there in middle management to demonstrate their potential and the fantastic contribution they already make.”

The winners will be announced on March 6th at a champagne breakfast event at the IPA offices.