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Cathy Neale

IPC Media yesterday announced the death of Cathy Neale, advertising director for IPC Classified and Innovator. Cathy passed away unexpectedly from a sudden illness.

The statement from IPC Media said: Cathy had worked for IPC for more than 28 years, joining in 1983 as a clerk in the Classified department. A succession of promotions saw her appointed to a number of management roles within the team, culminating in her appointment as Classified ad director in 1999. That role was later expanded when she took additional responsibility for Innovator. She was a highly respected and dedicated member of both the IPC Inspire board and the IPC Advertising board.

Says Paul Williams, managing director of IPC Inspire, to whom Cathy reported: “Cathy was a truly inspirational person, both as a leader to her staff in Classified and Innovator and to her colleagues across IPC. She was incredibly supportive and proud of her team and took the greatest joy from celebrating their individual and team successes. That was Cathy, never selfish, always driving for the best for the company, but most importantly, for her people.

“She will be sadly missed and our deepest sympathies and all our thoughts at this time go to her husband Colin and her family.”