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Dennis sponsors Heart of England Forest Project

Dennis Publishing has announced it has become an official sponsor of the Heart of England Forest Project for 2013, thanks to its significant donation to the project’s registered charity, the Heart of England Forest Ltd.

The Heart of England Forest charity works in partnership with Warwickshire landowner and Chairman of Dennis Publishing, Felix Dennis, on the Heart of England Forest Project. The project aims to plant and preserve a large native broadleaf forest in the heart of England. Its mission is the plantation, re-plantation, conservation and establishment of trees for the benefit of the public, together with the education of the public by the promulgation of knowledge and appreciation of trees.

As part of the Dennis CSR campaign for 2013, Dennis Publishing will be making a significant donation to the charity – a first for the company. The company will also be taking part in several tree planting sessions in 2013, where employees will be able to take part in tree planting sessions to aid the charity.

James Tye, CEO of Dennis Publishing said: “The charity is about to plant its millionth tree and 2013 will be an exciting year for the charity and I am delighted that Dennis is a part of this fantastic project. This year will be the first time that we have made such a sizeable donation and committed to support several charities both with fundraising activities and with direct donations”.

Dennis CSR is committed to supporting several other charities throughout the year, inviting Dennis employees to nominate their chosen organisations. With successful initiatives already set-up such as Byte Night, the IT industry's annual sleep out in support of Action for Children, Cancer Research’s Dryathlon, for which Dennis Publishing’s Men’s Fitness magazine are official media partners as well as local charity support, the sponsorship of the Heart of England Forest Project will make a welcome addition to the ever growing commitment that Dennis Publishing is making to corporate and social responsibility, says the company.