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Glamour hosts reader Q&A with David Cameron

In a first for women’s consumer magazines, Glamour held a special private reader question and answer session on July 12th, with Prime Minister David Cameron at 10 Downing Street.

“I am delighted that the Prime Minister has chosen to host an exclusive, interactive, multi-media question and answer session with Glamour. Our readers form the biggest, most influential audience of 25-35 year-old women in Britain so it is right that they have this opportunity to personally quiz David Cameron on the issues that matter to them,” commented Jo Elvin, Editor of Glamour.

After an introduction from Jo Elvin, a group of thirty hand-picked readers had one hour to put their questions to the Prime Minister in a Downing Street first. The women - many of whom are part of the Glamour Reader’s Panel and recently took part in a massive politics survey - come from all over the United Kingdom and represent a cross section of opinion. They were encouraged to probe the Prime Minister on topics which concern them as young British women. 

This unique event will be featured within the October 2012 issue of Glamour magazine, which goes on sale from Thursday 6th September.

Click here to see a video of the Q&A session at 10 Downing Street.