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Inserts market grows by 10 per cent

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) has revealed that inserts in newspapers and magazines have grown in popularity by more than 10 per cent in 2012.

The DMA’s annual Inserts Industry research, which surveyed companies across a range of sectors involved in inserts marketing in the UK, found that the market grew by 10 per cent, absorbing the adverse affect of the closure of the News of the World in July 2011. Moreover, Sunday newspapers experienced a 31 per cent increase in inserts in 2011, the biggest increase across all print media.

The study reveals that media owners have seen a significant increase in activity from core direct response clients, including mail order catalogues. Retail also performed strongly, with substantial activity from high street retailers including John Lewis, Debenhams and Argos.

The report also highlights how service providers including Sky, Virgin Media and BT have recognised inserts as a valuable resource to elicit responses from consumers and how they continue to invest heavily in this type of media.

Steve Hickman, vice-chair of the DMA Insert Council, commented: “Inserts have evolved from simply being an advertising medium to a form of communication which people are using as a way of interacting with brands. As the study shows, retailers and broadband providers are already seeing the benefits of this, with inserts being produced to encourage consumers to engage online.

It’s telling that levels of online engagement with inserts continues to rise. Looking at our research from 2009, the volume of  response migrating online was 52 per cent. Now, as people use the tangible insert as a starting point in their relationship with brands, the online response rate had risen to 56% in 2011.

Inserts are playing a larger part in consumers’ experience as brands use inserts as a key driver for customers to engage online. As digital media continues to evolve, I think we’ll see more of this offline-to-online interaction, and inserts look set to play a key role in this”.

About the study

The data was collected in 2012 and consists of companies involved in inserts marketing in the UK. However, the figures are not representative of the total industry as they represent only a proportion of the market.

The DMA Inserts Council provides information and support via research and industry figures. The council produces a quarterly inserts monitor that shows the total number of inserts that have been places in a selection of markets (magazines, weekend papers etc).

About the Direct Marketing Association

The DMA says: “The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) is Europe’s largest and most influential professional body to serve the multi-billion pound direct marketing industry. Through its unique suite of services and programme of activities, the DMA promotes the business interests of its corporate members and drives the growth of the direct marketing industry as a whole.

The Association supports the professional and commercial development of its members through offering a range of business services, including: networking and knowledge-sharing events; cutting-edge industry studies and research; updates and analysis on the latest political and legal developments; business support tools; and specialised legal advice.

On a wider scale, the DMA UK works to maintain the industry’s self-regulatory framework by developing industry standards of best professional practice; engaging with government and other policymakers on legislative matters that affect the industry; and producing industry standards that guide the sustainable development of direct marketing. The DMA also provides thought leadership for industry, and raises its profile through an active PR programme and ongoing community initiatives.

All of the DMA’s activities are directed at engendering political, commercial and consumer faith in the value of direct marketing.”