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Kristen Stewart is the world’s most clickable celebrity

Kristen Stewart – who rose to fame as Bella Swan in the Twilight films – is summer 2012’s most clickable celebrity.

Web traffic generator MGID’s Click Factor ranked the American actress as the celebrity consumers felt most compelled to click on during the period June 1st to August 31st 2012.

With a Click Factor of 9 the Twilight star topped the list. Second place went to singer Beyonce with a Click Factor of 8, while rapper Nicki Minaj came third with a Click Factor of 7.3. Surprisingly the results revealed that singer Justin Bieber – the world’s most Googled celebrity – only ranked ninth, with a Click Factor of just 2.7. Since the summer Click Factor scores are calculated from the beginning of June to the end of August, Prince Harry only just squeezed onto the list in last place following his late August exploits in Las Vegas.

MGID measures the Click Factor from the Internet user clicks generated via the MGID widgets that online publishers display on their websites. MGID’s widgets have a claimed reach of 120 million people. The widgets display compelling editorial teasers – an image and a descriptive headline – developed by MGID. These teasers attract Internet users’ attention and encourage them to click on the links for more information, taking them through to a publisher’s or advertiser’s website.

The MGID Click Factor is calculated using criteria including the number of times people clicked on teasers about celebrities, how many articles online publishers produced about each celebrity and the average amount of click-throughs per teaser.

MGID’s widgets appear below articles on websites, rather than the more typical advertising spaces above and beside publisher’s content. Online publishers carrying MGID’s widgets are rewarded in two ways: by gaining revenue for carrying teasers to advertorials or by receiving more traffic to their website.

MGID Click Factor Summer 2012 results:

1 Kristen Stewart (Click factor: 9)

2 Beyonce (8)

3 Nicki Minaj (7.3)

4 Selena Gomez (6.7)

5 Kim Kardashian (6)

6 Emma Watson (5.3)

7 Megan Fox (5)

8 Sunny Leone (4)

9 Justin Bieber (3)

10 Prince Harry (2.3)

Nick Marr, Director of MGID, said: “People find our teaser articles compellingly clickable because we make them about celebrities, issues and products that they care about. The 120 million reach of our widgets coupled with our editorial expertise drives web users to the quality content offered by our worldwide network of many thousands of publishers.”

“The enduring popularity of the Twilight saga combined with R-Patz and K-Stew’s romance hitting the rocks made the editorial teasers MGID’s team created about her extremely popular with web users, establishing her as summer’s most compellingly clickable celebrity.”

“Advertising banners are now standard website furniture. Consumers are so used to seeing banners that they no longer effectively engage with them. MGID attracts Internet users by creating compellingly clickable content and placing it below articles, rather than in the banner-dominated space at the top of web pages.”

Nick Marr will be presenting "How to use celebrities to drive traffic” at digital marketing event Ad:Tech at 15.50 on Wednesday, 19th September 2012.

About MGID

MGID says: “MGID is the largest audience development platform in the world. It unites many thousands of websites in its network and MGID’s widgets have a reach of 120 million people.  According to the respected independent authority, the MGID website is one of the top 200 in the world.

The MGID platform offers a new and powerful way to advertise products, services and website content via the world’s largest audience development network of premium publishers. MGID also provides publishers and advertisers with quality content, increased traffic and more site visitors.”