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NFRN disappointment at new cut off extensions

The NFRN are angry that publishers have announced two further extensions to cut off times into wholesale to enable coverage of World Cup Qualifying matches.

The latest extensions are planned for Saturday 8th September and Saturday 13th October.

Commenting, NFRN National President Alan Smith (pictured) said: “Yet again, and sadly despite representations from the Federation regarding the impact that these extensions have on home news delivery sales, the NPA has taken it upon themselves to decide these extensions without involving other parts of the supply chain.

“We have lobbied the NPA, providing factual evidence that extending cut off times actually loses sales in HND shops or in those members’ stores that have good early morning trade. This puts yet more pressure on those retailers who chose to provide HND and sadly is resulting in some of them deciding to stop offering this service.”

Mr Smith continued: “The NPA is at least beginning to listen to our concerns, however we remain disappointed that progress in reaching a solution that benefits all parties is slow. While we welcome the advanced notification of the extensions and while we are pleased that retailers serviced by wholesalers in the Paralympics areas will not be affected on 8th September, we simply cannot agree these minor events warrant any extension and would continue to urge the NPA to look again to see how this issue can be overcome.”