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NRS PADD shows continued appetite for magazine media

From yesterday, magazine publishers have compelling new evidence to show how they have expanded their activities across multiple content platforms and, in many instances, how their brands are achieving ever-greater audience engagement and reach with the release of NRS Print and Digital Data (PADD).

The NRS says: While NRS has consistently delivered a robust, independent measurement of print readership, publishers have faced a challenge in combining this with online data to present an unduplicated readership measure across both print and online.

Barry McIlheney (pictured), CEO of the PPA, said: “PPA and its member publishers support NRS PADD as a significant step forward in magazine media measurement in a market that continues to evolve at pace.

“For the first time, magazine publishers will now be able to show their combined reach across both web and print, and in so doing dispel the myth that publishers are steadily losing readers. Rather, they are now reaching more readers than ever before.”

The new data also shows the significant reach that magazine media still offers advertisers. On a monthly basis, print titles reach more than 71% of the population, their websites and portals are used by 25% of the population, and the combined unduplicated monthly reach of all magazine media is currently 77%.

James Papworth, PPA Marketing Director, added: “NRS PADD is a most welcome and exciting development for magazine media.

“Not only will it provide publishers the opportunity to show that the appeal of their brands and content transcends platforms, but with quarterly data releases it is set to become one of the most contemporary and useful cross-media planning tools available.”

Click here for more information about NRS PADD and a full breakdown of the figures.

About NRS

NRS says: “NRS Ltd is a non-profit-making, commercial organisation funded by the NPA, PPA and IPA. Its primary role is to provide reliable and professional readership estimates of the number and nature of the people who read Britain’s newspapers and consumer magazines. Currently the survey publishes data for more than 300 newspapers, newspaper supplements and magazines, which together represent the large majority of the UK press advertising market.”