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Publishing Expo rebranded

In line with the ongoing market shift towards a more plural approach towards multimedia publishing, event organisers UBM Live have announced the rebranding of Publishing Expo, as Publishing & Media Expo.

UBM Live says: Publishing is changing fast, even the concept of ‘publishers’ is evolving as the way in which content is delivered to audiences continues to advance, with new and traditional channels combining to create a truly multichannel marketplace.

Publishing & Media Expo, taking place at London’s Earls Court from 26th – 27th February 2013, is the event shaping the exciting future of publishing: any content, any channel; in print, online and mobile. Now in its 8th year, it is the biggest event of its kind in the UK, providing visitors with thought leadership on the future of this fast paced industry and the latest solutions and services to stay ahead of the market; from digital to print to mobile to social networks to tablets – to the ‘cloud’ and back .

Exhibitors, partners and associations affiliated with the show have expressed enthusiasm for the proposed rebrand with many alluding to the change as one born from common sense and realism. 

Visitor, Hamish Dickie Publishing Director at Riviera Maritime Media Ltd said “The rebranding to Publishing & Media Expo is a logical evolution that better reflects the multichannel approach publishers now take".

James Ormiston, MD of Circdata, and exhibitor since Publishing Expo’s launch said “We all have to acknowledge that what ‘publishing’ in a modern context is about is delivering content via multiple channels.  We are about Media – make no mistake this is where life is heading and we need to encompass the plurality of the word. Good move.”

This sentiment has been echoed by the Content Marketing Association Limited. Chief Operating Officer, Julia Hutchinson said “Putting the media in publishing makes perfect sense. The world is changing rapidly and it is vital that events and the wider industry at large reflect this. Having recently rebranded ourselves we are already reaping the rewards a strategic change in direction brings. Publishing & Media Expo is set to be an unmissable event for anyone involved in the business of publishing, no matter the media.”

Another key exhibitor, YUDU Media has also added its support with Chief Executive Officer, Richard Stephenson saying “the re-branding of the show is a very positive move on UBM Live’s part which demonstrates the forward-thinking nature of this exhibition. Publishing & Media Expo’s new title is a reflection of the evolution of publishing from a single print channel to a converged multi-media landscape.”

Jon Howell, Event Manager for Publishing & Media Expo has been delighted with the reception of this rebrand announcement, “We have a continuous dialogue with our key partners and having discussed the potential rebranding at some length already, the idea has gone down extremely well, representing a natural move for the show whilst retaining the event’s core position at the heart of the publishing sector. As Publishing & Media Expo continues to grow, our investment in new features and content has attracted many new visitors from across all disciplines of multimedia publishing. Looking ahead to the 2013 event in February we are already engaging our visitors to shape the content programme and I’m very much looking forward to announcing the seminar sessions in the near future.”

New features introduced for 2013 will include a theatre dedicated to ‘publishing heroes’ alongside a ‘Top 20 movers and shakers’ shortlist, highlighting the most influential and innovative voices in publishing and media today. The best and most ground breaking front covers of the year will also be displayed in a new gallery feature on the show floor. 

Education producer and former editorial director, Aiden Walker explains the reasoning behind this rebrand further “Business models are changing, management roles and definitions are changing, revenue streams are changing, even the size and shape of what used to be called publishing companies are changing. Brands are now just as much publishers as publishing companies, and in many ways more so, if audience numbers are a reliable guide. At the other end of the spectrum, individuals in the equivalent of their back bedroom are also publishers and given some smart SEO and a following wind can also command audiences of unlikely size.

He continues, “One thing is clear; ‘Media’ is the portmanteau word that describes what we do. We aren’t a Media exhibition, however; we’re a Publishing Expo. But any meaningful reference to publishing carries the inherent idea of Media. Hence, Publishing & Media Expo. No brainer.”