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VICE acquires i-D magazine

VICE, the global youth media company, has announced the acquisition of iconic style publication i-D, creating, says the company, a partnership to produce the world’s leading online video-driven fashion channel.

VICE says: VICE will also seek to increase i-D’s print circulation and expand its audience both online and offline.

The move brings together the world’s leading digital youth brand with one of fashion’s most creative and influential publications. The two outlets already share a dedication to street, youth, and DIY culture, and VICE will draw on its own transformation from a punk zine into a digital powerhouse to build i-D’s online footprint through its core creative vision and style. 

i-D founder Terry Jones and his wife Tricia will remain partners and shareholders in i-D and continue to be creative visionaries. i-D’s editorial and sales staff will join forces with VICE’s operations and continue to generate content for i-D.

VICE, which controls a network of video-driven platforms dedicated to music, technology, sports, news, and travel, will use the acquisition of the 32-year-old brand to expand its reach into digital fashion content. 

"VICE is so excited to work with the guys at i-D magazine, one of the only fashion publications in the world we actually respect. We know digital, i-D knows style, and together we’re going to give the world the gift of eye-catching, mind-blowing video-driven fashion content,” says Andrew Creighton, VICE President.

Fashion media has been slow to respond to the evolving media landscape and online video. VICE will use its expertise in online video production to expand i-D’s existing website and utilize i-D’s creative vision and talent to create an innovative video-driven channel dedicated to exploring everything from high-end couture to the myriad of underground fashion scenes all over the world.  

Original programming will focus on profiling the most compelling personalities in fashion and culture, the intersection of fashion and music, film, and design, and emerging trends and talent around the globe, among other topics. 

“This marks the beginning of an incredibly exciting chapter in i-D’s history. Working with VICE means partnering with a company that knows how to expand from print to digital in a smart way. There’s a huge void in video-driven fashion channels and this partnership will fill and dominate that void,” says Terry Jones, i-D Founder.

i-D is a British magazine dedicated to fashion, music, art and youth culture. It began publication in 1980, with Jones, a designer and former Vogue art director, at the helm. The first issue was published in the form of a hand-stapled fanzine with text produced on a typewriter. i-D has since evolved into a mature glossy publication that keeps a close eye on street style and youth culture. It is revered for its innovative, iconic photography and typography, and it features some of the fashion world’s most provocative people, photographers, editors, stylists, and writers, while serving as a training ground for emerging talent.