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James Macdonald

James Macdonald

James is co-founder and chief revenue officer at Limelight Inc, responsible for the day-to-day sales and outreach operations and management of the company, which offers SaaS solutions to agencies, publishers, networks and traders looking to operate via OpenRTB, Pre-bid and beyond.

James began his career at the Daily Express on Fleet Street, then spent some years in agencies, before becoming the first mobile lead at Unanimis. Following this, James became the launch head of sales for O2 (Telefonica) Media, setting up the division and developing the Telefonica O2 Media proposition across the UK and European markets.

He then spent four years in America as general manager, USA for Adfonic, a mobile-specific DSP platform and one of the early mobile ad networks, building the US presence and running an extended international team in the market.

On returning home, James launched his own consulting vehicle, Videohog, offering clients like Digicel, Telefonica, Zeotap and many others access and activation in programmatic markets globally. James teamed up with Limelight co-founder David Nelson again at this time, and together, they visioned and developed the Limelight journey.

Outside of work, James plays the saxophone and is an avid golfer. He takes his clubs with him on most of his travels around the world.

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