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Lucy Kueng

Lucy Kueng

Professor Lucy Kueng is an international expert on mastering digital transformation. A strategic advisor and board member, she has over twenty years’ experience providing senior-level leadership and business advice on how to emerge stronger from technological and market disruption.

Lucy consults leading companies worldwide including the BBC, CNN, Google, NPR and NRK, and keynotes frequently at conferences including the INMA World Congress, SXSW, FIPP World Congress and the European Broadcasting Union. She is a board member of the NZZ Media Group, and served on the board of SRG SSR, and of VIZRT the media tech provider.

She is senior research associate at the Reuters Institute, Oxford University and has held professorships at the University of Oslo, the Institute of Media and Entertainment New York (IESE), and the University of Jönköping.

She is the author of several books including Going Digital: A Roadmap for Digital Transformation, Innovators in Digital News, and Strategic Management in the Media (winner of the AEMJM Media Management Book Award).

She holds a PhD and Habilitation from the University of St Gallen and an MBA from City Business School / Ashridge.

Contact Lucy Kueng

Twitter @KuengLucy