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InPublishing Podcasts

Each episode of the InPublishing Podcast features an in-depth interview with a leading figure in the publishing world. The podcast is published on an occasional basis – you can subscribe via your preferred podcast app, or listen to the episodes below.

Season 3

Episode 36: Mike Sewell

Episode 36: Mike Sewell

James Evelegh talks to Mike Sewell, managing director of CPL, about: • the thinking behind their recent MBO and his plans for the future • the transition from contract publisher to content marketing agency • why storytelling skills, words and pictures are still fundamental • why membership organisations need to work out what their message is before worrying about the channels • why print still has a vital role to play in the content mix • why the hero / hub / hygiene model still applies • how Covid has accelerated pre-existing trends but also given organisations the opportunity to go back to first principles • the challenges of onboarding new staff during a pandemic (10% of CPL's staff have started during lockdown) • the important role the office has to play in the future • and much more... (This interview was recorded on 6th May.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 35: Georgina Rushworth

Episode 35: Georgina Rushworth

James Evelegh talks to Georgina Rushworth, head of marketing at Pharmaceutical Press, about: • the challenges of setting up a new team • how the world of subs marketing has changed since she first started ("nothing but everything") • how marketing technology underpins everything they do and her hopes for their new soon-to-go-live marketing automation software • how you should never rest on your laurels and never stop looking for better ways of doing things • her approach to management ("articulate a vision and empower the team") • the differences in marketing an academic brand as opposed to a mainstream B2B one • how job satisfaction is found in the numbers, the joy of seeing the impact your idea has had • and more…

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 34: Daniel Pearce

Episode 34: Daniel Pearce

James Evelegh talks to Daniel Pearce, CEO of TTG Media, an independent publisher specialising in the travel sector, about: • how what started as a “big news story on the other side of the world” turned their business upside down, but also led to positive change • their #savetravel and #onetravelindustry campaigning on behalf of the badly hit travel industry • embracing Stoicism and quoting Winston Churchill • switching print frequency from weekly to monthly but why he remains a passionate advocate of print • the thinking behind TTG’s new membership offering and where to position the paywall • how the new subs model has changed everyone’s mindset across the business • the power and freedom of being an independent publisher and able to take risks • why the best businesses are the most diverse businesses • the power of ‘why’ and the importance of having a clear purpose • and much more…

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 33: Marcus Fairs

Episode 33: Marcus Fairs

James Evelegh talks to Marcus Fairs, founder and editor-in-chief of architecture and design magazine Dezeen about: • how getting fired led to launching Dezeen • his global aspirations and $20 initial investment • how Kanye West gave him his first big break • why it's important to have a moral compass • why journalism is undervalued but is something worth standing up for • how they coped with Covid when their business model was collapsing all around them • why he had to mend fences with the Italians • why a design-led website has kept essentially the same design for the last 14 years • why, despite predictions, advertising is still their biggest revenue stream • their MVP approach to NPD • why new owners JP/Politikens are such a good fit • what the future holds for Dezeen • and much more…

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 32: Emma Callaghan

Episode 32: Emma Callaghan

James Evelegh talks to Emma Callaghan, sales & invention director at Reach Solutions, about: • how the "digital ecosystem has changed everything for publishers" although brand loyalty to newspaper brands still exists • Reach's strategy of increasing engagement with, and understanding of, their audience through their successful registration programme • why the close working relationship between editorial and commercial teams is a central part of their pitch to advertising partners • how the Team Nation initiative showed what can be achieved when rival newspapers work together • how their new Mantis brand safety tool is unlocking previously blocked content on their sites • how they've simplified their extensive and complicated portfolio of 9 national newspapers, 110 regional newspapers and 70 online brands into easy-to-understand packages for advertisers • why the industry must commit itself to real change when it comes to diversity and inclusion and not fall back on tick box exercises • how Reach's customer value strategy has provided an energising focus across the entire business • why print is still important, whilst acknowledging that, for younger readers, the route into Reach's brands will be via digital • why she's so keen to get back into the office • and much more... (This interview was recorded on 4th March.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 31: Loma-Ann Marks

Episode 31: Loma-Ann Marks

James Evelegh talks to Loma-Ann Marks, editor-in-chief at interiors magazine Reclaim, about why the recycling and repurposing that is at the heart of her magazine is now in vogue, how Instagram has been central to her community building efforts and why she makes a point of responding to every comment, why “finding your voice” is the secret to successful magazine publishing, why she always likes to put a window on her front covers, how the tone of coverlines has evolved since lockdown started, why BLM has prompted her to take a more proactive approach to diversity and the positive impact this has had on the magazine, why micro-managing talent is counter-productive, and why, certainly for aesthetically-led subjects like interiors and fashion, print is here to stay (even though she’s got loads of digital plans), and much more… (This interview was recorded on 25th February.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 30: Ivor Eisenstadt

Episode 30: Ivor Eisenstadt

James Evelegh talks to Ivor Eisenstadt, managing director of healthcare publisher MGP, about why 2020, despite being a “horrific” year in so many ways, was a year of great progress for many publishers, how a successful brother tempted him to switch from a career in pharmaceuticals to one in publishing, the benefits of having a business partner (in his case, his wife Rosie) with complementary skill sets, how MGP managed to convert a free event into a paid-for one, his top tips for putting on virtual events and why they are here to stay, the plusses and minuses for his business of having everyone working from home, why he puts great store on a “no-blame” company culture, why there’s such a huge opportunity for B2B in publishing trustworthy and insightful content, the imperative of employing bright, committed and adaptable people, the identify of his favourite all-time Spurs player, and much more… (This interview was recorded on 18th February.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 29: Esther Newman

Episode 29: Esther Newman

Ciar Byrne talks to Esther Newman, editor of Women's Running, about why editing Women’s Running is a “massive responsibility and a huge privilege”, why ‘production’ is a great starting place for editors, why achieving publishing success is much harder for women, why her title is all about kindness and support and not losing five pounds (“we’re not telling women that they look wrong”), her views on the “poisonous messaging” women are often exposed to and why her aim is to “make sure every woman feels great”, why improving inclusion and diversity is so important (“you don’t need to be a particular type of woman to run”), why the print magazine is the bedrock, but web and social is where the excitement is, how Covid has proved a “tough but good learning curve”, how the Women’s Running’s podcast series (“my little baby”) came about and much more… (This interview was recorded on 15th December.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 28: Mark Sennett

Episode 28: Mark Sennett

Ciar Byrne talks to Mark Sennett, CEO of Western Business Media, about the rollercoaster ride of completing an MBO a few months before Covid struck, their “phenomenal” first year (not one argument with his new business partners), how they’ve survived Covid (strict cost control, cutting “frivolous activities” and innovating), the importance of getting staff buy-in and achieving a shared sense of ownership, why B2B matters (“what we write about makes a difference”), why the ad-funded controlled circulation model still has legs (as long as you’re ABC audited), and his growth plans for the future (more CPD, jobs boards, digital conferences, and, acquisitions) and more… (This interview was recorded on 10th December.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 27: Owen Meredith

Episode 27: Owen Meredith

Ciar Byrne talks to Owen Meredith, CEO of the PPA, about the changing nature of magazine publishing and why it’s such an exciting sector, the role and future of the PPA, the impact of Covid, the long running but ultimately successful VAT battle, the secrets of successful lobbying, the challenge posed by the big tech platforms, what government can do to help the events sector during the pandemic and much more. (This interview was recorded on 24th November.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.