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Content Production & User Experience

As Matt Poole, chief product officer at Immediate Media, says at the beginning of this report, “UX is the ultimate determinant of user satisfaction and whether they enjoy using your product and will return in the future, shaping the long-term opportunities and success of your brand / business.”

Matt is one of the 21 experts, from publishing companies and suppliers, who contributed to this report.

The ‘Content Production & User Experience’ report has been compiled by InPublishing Editor James Evelegh, based on in-depth questionnaires completed by these 21 experts. (The report was first published as part of a sponsored special feature in the May / June 2023 issue of InPublishing magazine.)

It is divided into five sections:

  • Introduction (split into: ‘Why user experience (UX) is so important’, ‘Production strengths & weaknesses’, ‘Lessons from other industries’.)
  • Production (split into: ‘How publishers’ production workflows can be improved’, ‘How the interfaces with external production partners can be improved’, ‘The skill sets publishers need to invest in’, ‘How production processes can be made more sustainable’.)
  • User experience (UX) (split into: ‘Print’, ‘Websites’, ‘Apps / Digital Editions’, ‘Video’, ‘Podcasts’.)
  • Top Tips (split into ‘Top tips for improving production processes’ and ‘Top tips for improving UX’.)
  • Supplier spotlight (short profiles of the nine suppliers who took part)

The following contributed their expertise:

  • Matt Bradford, digital creative, Mark Allen Group
  • Andy Brown, CEO, Canvasflow
  • Mark Constance, group head of production, Future
  • David Coveney, director, interconnect
  • Paul Doyle, head of editorial video, Immediate Media
  • India Dunkley, content editor, Mark Allen Group
  • Rich Edwards, UX/UI designer, Mark Allen Group
  • Richard Hamshere, group production director, Mark Allen Group
  • Mike Hoy, managing director, Papermule
  • Dani Leyhue, product manager, WoodWing
  • Benn Linfield, head of design and production, Which?
  • Colin Miller, videographer/photographer, Mark Allen Group
  • Cesare Navarotto, chief product officer, Atex
  • Koli Pickersgill, production director, Immediate Media
  • Blake Pollard, co-founder and CRO, eMagazines
  • Matt Poole, chief product officer, Immediate Media
  • Gareth Roberts, managing director, Bishops Printers
  • Kevin Shelcott, senior operations leader and production director, EKCS
  • Adam Snook, technical consultant, OpenAthens
  • Gemma Spence, head of product, Mark Allen Group
  • Ben Youatt, head of podcasts, Immediate Media