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Free Features

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Free Features

Free Features allows publishers to create content on any subject instantly and at very low cost.

For less than the price of a cup of coffee, features, articles, recipes and more can be downloaded from at any time.

Publishers can choose from an extensive archive of consumer and B2B content, all written and edited by journalists, or ask for content on any subject using the easy-to-use request facility.

Features are all edited by humans, come with images and are delivered within a 24-hour period, often much less.

Subscription plans allow for as many features per month as you need – with pricing starting at just £1.99 per month for five credits and rising according to requirements. While the basic ‘Bronze’ plan comes with first party ads to promote the service, there is also an ‘ad-free’ version in all plans – which can be cancelled at any time.

As the internet continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success and Free Features has embraced technology to allow for delivery of a highly cost-effective content provision service. High editorial standards are maintained by using ‘real’ human journalists to create and edit content – ensuring the best mix of people and computers.

WordPress plugin

The system also includes a WordPress plugin so digital publishers using that platform can seamlessly integrate content.

With the plugin, empowers WordPress users to thrive in a digital landscape that demands dynamic, engaging content. Whether you’re a small or large publisher, blogger, or marketing professional, this is an all-in-one solution for efficient content management.

The plugin is available for immediate installation via the WordPress Plugin Repository – or from’s website. Click ‘WordPress Plug in’ to access features directly through the site.

Print publishers and those using digital platforms other than WordPress can download features to their inbox just as seamlessly.

Free Features is a leading innovator in the field of digital content management. With a dedicated team of journalists, writers, editors and technology experts, the business is committed to developing solutions that empower individuals and businesses to succeed in the digital realm.


Sign-up to claim a credit against any feature content, recipe or review without the need for a credit card or any commitment.

Content Providers