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10 top tips for extracting the most value from your first party data


First party data is the lifeblood of knowing who of your prospects and customers is interested in what you do and what you put out on digital media – at any and every given time.

Changing times, standards, technologies and evolving legal frameworks mean that we continuously have to adapt how we capture, retain and make the most of first party data in order to shape our business and grow our revenues.

In this webinar, Affino’s Markus Karlsson will cover the 10 top tips, pitfalls and best practice recommendations for harvesting and maximising your return on the data.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The Goal: what is the best real-time actionable data?
  • What is zero, 1st party and 3rd party data?
  • Why is the data drying up and how to keep capturing it?
  • Making the most of the data for your audience and your revenues
  • Keeping the data fresh for as long as possible
  • Leveraging the data for the maximum impact

Who should attend the webinar: chief executives, marketing (CMO / marketing director / marketing manager), digital (CTO / digital director / digital manager), product (product director / product manager / digital product manager), sales (sales director / sales manager), data (CDO / GDPR compliance officer) and anyone with an interest in first party data.

This webinar was broadcast on 2.30-3.00pm (BST), Tuesday 4 October 2022

Presenter: Markus Karlsson

With a background in business management and industrial systems, Markus has been involved in the business of the internet since his very first ISP business, one of the earliest registered UK internet businesses, founded back in 1995. As the CEO and founder of Affino, he is one of the country’s leading consultants and practitioners in digital transformation and digital business development.

Over the years, Markus has been a board member and executive team advisor for numerous companies, an international government advisor to SME digital businesses and has been involved in the development and transformation of hundreds of businesses, both large and small.

Markus has worked with leading brands and organisations – including Audi, BBC, Casio, Diesel, EMI, MasterCard, Royal Opera House, Rovio, TTG Media, The Bookseller, The Stage, UBM, UMG, Gill, Procurement Leaders, Briefing Media, Ocean Media Group and IDG. He also works alongside key publishing associations, the PPA and the Association of Online Publishers.

Moderator: James Evelegh

James Evelegh has worked in magazine publishing since 1989, and has been the editor and publisher of InPublishing since it launched in 2003. He began his career with Trinity Publishing (now DMG) and was then group circulation manager at Centaur Communications from 1994 to 1996. From 1996 to 2003, he worked as a circulation consultant to a wide range of companies including Guardian Media Group, FT Business, Euromoney, WH Smith News and Wilmington.

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