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5 Top Tips To Help You Prioritise Your Digital Projects


The worst possible reason for embarking on a new digital project is that it sounds really, really cool. Too many publishers have travelled down new media’s garden path only to find that it ends in an all too familiar tumble-weed strewn cul de sac. Picking projects that will work is not rocket science however - thinking about traditional success measures can avoid the heartache of failed digital projects and make sure that scarce resources are deployed where they will bring real results.

The five top tips are:

  • Avoid Imperial Overstretch
  • Content might be King, but money makes the world go around
  • Traffic is trade-able
  • Attention equals opportunity
  • Learning has a value

This webinar was broadcast on 2.30-3pm (BST), Tuesday 21 April 2015

Presenter: Peter Houston

Peter Houston has worked in publishing for over 25 years. Formerly group content director at B2B publisher Advanstar Communications, now as an independent consultant and trainer helping publishers identify and dismantle the barriers between print and digital content. He runs the Flipping Pages blog, writes for several industry publications including InPublishing and is a lead judge for the Digital Magazine Awards and was Chairman of the Scottish Magazine Awards 2014. Peter recently launched the Magazine Diaries project in support of child literacy charity MagAid. Peter can also be followed on Twitter.

Moderator: James Evelegh

James has worked in magazine publishing since 1989, and has been the editor and publisher of InPublishing since it launched in 2003. He began his career with Trinity Publishing (now DMG) and was then group circulation manager at Centaur Communications from 1994 to 1996. From 1996 to 2003, he worked as a circulation consultant to a wide range of companies including Guardian Media Group, FT Business, Euromoney, WH Smith News and Wilmington.

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