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Changes to ABC Byelaws

The ABC Board has approved changes to the ABC Byelaws that regulate how members use ABC data or information and promote their association with ABC.

The ABC Byelaws contain important terms and conditions relating to ABC membership, particularly in relation to publicity (section 3).

The new Byelaws will come into effect on 1st February 2013.

The objectives of the changes are:

• Cater for multi-platform environment

• Greater flexibility in use of ABC data or information

• Principle based approach rather than prescription

• Maintain robustness and transparency

The ABC says: “In terms of promoting data, if what you do now is compliant then this will still be compliant after the new publicity changes come into effect.

The new Byelaws will allow greater flexibility in how you might better report ABC data or make claims as there is less prescription. However there is a greater responsibility on your part to ensure that data and claims are presented in a manner that meets the new principle of it being clear, reasonable and not likely to mislead. We therefore advise you seek advice from your ABC Account Manager to minimise the risk of infringements.”

View the new publicity Byelaws, effective 1st February 2013

View practical examples using the new publicity Byelaws