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Chopsticks Novel is 2012 app of the year

Imagine Publishing’s Apps Magazine has announced that Chopsticks Novel is this year’s winner of App Of The Year in the second annual Apps Magazine Awards.

“This year’s winner encapsulates everything we want to see in a great app,” said Apps Magazine’s Editor in Chief, Nick Jones. “It’s unique to touchscreen devices, is innovative, looks gorgeous and is wildly entertaining. Chopsticks Novel is a worthy winner of our App Of The Year Award for 2012.”

Chopsticks Novel uses innovative and interactive storytelling devices to create a unique narrative experience; it tells the story of a relationship between artists Glory and Frank through video, sound and images.

“This is an extraordinary honour for us, made perhaps even more so by the fact that neither of us has ever created a work of multimedia fiction before,” said Jessica Anthony, who along with Rodrigo Corral created Chopsticks Novel. “We are humbled that Apps Magazine has seen in Chopsticks what we see – a whole new platform for multimedia storytelling – and we thank you, abundantly, for this very special honour. 

Apps Magazine was originally launched in 2010 by Imagine Publishing. Since then, it has quickly established itself as the leading apps-dedicated publication for iPhone, iPad and Android devices, says the company.

Apps Magazine 2012 Award Winners: Best Free App – CloudOn; Best App For Kids – The Land Of Me: Story Time; Best Social App – Vyclone; Style Award – Paper By FiftyThree; Best Everyday App – Flipboard; Best Entertainment App – Bottom Of The Ninth; Best Work App – Evermeeting; Innovation Award – Clear; Best Accessory – Jawbone Big Jambox; Best Game – Bastion; Readers’ Choice Award – Endomondo; App Of The Year – Chopsticks Novel