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FT best for reaching Europe’s business elite

The Financial Times attracts more senior business executives across Europe’s largest companies than any other international media brand, according to the latest Business Elite Europe survey from Ipsos MORI which for the first time measures readership on mobile and tablet devices.

Named 'most important business read' by the BE:Europe universe, the FT in print, online and through mobile devices combined reach more than 23% of the 444,000 business executives surveyed. This C-suite audience together control €1 trillion (31%) of the total available advertising expenditure in Europe, giving the FT a total brand reach bigger than at any point over BE:Europe's 39 year history.

Anita Hague, global research director at the Financial Times, said: “With an audience responsible for almost a third of all business spend, the BE:Europe results show that the FT is the most effective international media brand for reaching high income earners. The survey confirms that 51% of our European readers use two or more channels throughout the day, something we responded to by developing a global multi-channel audience measurement, ADGA, in 2009.”

While 40.7% of respondents continue to see newspapers as the most reliable source of business news, there has been a sharp increase in those who prefer the internet for trusted news generally. Media consumption remains high among the business elite with international dailies reaching 40% of the total audience. In addition 42% of executives own a tablet and 77% own a smartphone.

The BE:Europe survey, which in 2012 tracks social media brands as well as mobile and tablet devices for the first time, is a multi media survey supported by some of the biggest international media and advertising brands. Click here for the full results.