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IDG launches Full Service Publisher Trading Desk

Technology media company, IDG UK, has launched TAP (Technology Audience Platform), a new generation Publisher Trading Desk that, says the company, is the first to combine buy-side, sell-side and first party data overlay capabilities in programmatic buying.

According to IDG: The platform will provide IDG UK with the capability to go beyond inventory sales to offer granular audience extension and contextual retargeting from any relevant inventory source. This represents a major new approach to how publishers can employ fist party audience data to deliver both scalability and precision targeting via this new channel.

Through the new platform, IDG UK can deliver audience extension across IDG UK’s extensive roster of technology sites, external partners within the IDG TechNetwork and all relevant sites across the whole web, offering clients unparalleled reach.

Employing both its first party data and technology audience expertise, IDG UK has developed over 36,000 different data sets that can be selected by clients using TAP.

In addition clients will also be able to use the platform to build their own customer data segments and then execute audience extension programs against these data sets in a highly targeted way.

From a client perspective, TAP will enable technology marketers to target in a way they have not been able to before via programmatic trading, with ads being served to exactly the right user, at the right time, in the right context. Through a client-involved veto process and using data sets created from a deep knowledge and experience of the subject matter, all targeting will be brand safe and within highly contextual environments.

Dan Shaw, Media Services Director of IDG UK said: “We are delighted to be the first publisher to make such a significant step forward in programmatic buying. Not only will TAP open up IDG UK’s assets to programmatic buying for the first time, it represents a major new approach to how we can employ our extensive user data to help marketers place their ads only in front of individuals whose relevance has been established”.

“The key for clients will be that while retargeting using client’s own data allows them to talk to their customers and known prospects, TAP will go further and enable them to target new customers from precise profiles based on the insight we have built and apply it across the web.”

TAP is powered by Pubmatic’s SSP. Underpinning the first party data element is a data management platform provided by Krux, which provides a fully customised approach and offers the real time data segmentation critical to the audience extension.