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IFABC rebrands for the digital world

Following the launch of its new website, the International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulation (IFABC) has refreshed its branding as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting its members in the rapidly growing digital world.

The refreshed branding includes a new logo that represents IFABC’s global remit and shows the organisation as more digitally-focused. The logo will be used across all IFABC collateral as well as sitting on the new website, launched in July last year with the National Newspaper headline circulation data from 34 countries within IFABC membership.

This year will see the addition of local newspapers’ as well as updated National Newspapers data from IFABC’s membership as it continues to develop the website into a central resource for global circulation data.

Jerry Wright, President of IFABC said, “In the ever-evolving digital world the IFABC has an increasingly important role to play in facilitating cross-border digital measurement standards that reflect the way that media is traded globally. It became crucial that we updated the look and feel of the IFABC branding to represent our position in the market and represent the organisations growing importance and its understanding of the digital media world.”

The IFABC is a global forum for the identification and sharing of successful innovation, providing audit bureaux around the world with one cohesive voice and setting worldwide best practice for the measurement of the media industry, says the IFABC.

About the IFABC

The IFABC says: “The International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulation (IFABC) is a voluntary cooperative federation of industry-sponsored organisations established in nations throughout the world to verify and report facts about the circulations of publications and related data.

The IFABC was founded in 1963 in Stockholm, Sweden and has 36 bureaux covering 40 countries around the world. The IFABC Executive Board consists of nine members from various ABCs around the world. There is also a global Web Standards Group, founded in 1997, which is headed up by Richard Foan from ABC UK and more recently a Digital Publications Committee, which has been chaired by Glenn Hansen from BPA Worldwide.

Jerry Wright, Chief Executive of ABC UK, was re-elected the global president of IFABC in October 2012.”